Sunday 5 March 2017


The 22st Pasir Gudang World Kite Festival was held at Bukit Layang-Layang and the Pasir Gudang Municipal Council field here, from Feb 1 to 28. There were 222 participants from 40 countries was took part in this festival. This kite festival happens in the month of February every year. It was a good experience to work with the International participants. 60 volunteers from Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan was selected to work as a liason officer at the festival for 5 days.

First day, we was given briefing about the festival by the event manager and the head of Pasir Gudang Municipal Council. After the briefing, we went to the place where the festival will be held. After that, we back to the hostels early and readying for work tomorrow. Second day has came, the volunteers was very energetic to work at the festival. Before we get down to the place, we were given some advices to take care our ourselves and belongings. We was amazed to see the crowds and the kites are flying colourful at the sky. Eventhough the weather was hot, everyone managed to work as a team and doing their responsibilities as a liason officer. After an hour, the kiters came for registration. Around 200 participants registered themselves and started to fly the kites they brought. There were many kites was flying such as The Sled kite, The Diamond Kite, The Barn Door kite, The Rokkaku kite, The Roller kite and many more. Second day, everything was going smoothly but the weather doesn't allow us to work much. There was heavy rain like cats and dogs for 2 hours. Unluckily, the kiters did not fly out their kites for a day.

Third day, the event manager was informed that there will be grand opening ceremony of the festival so everybody should not go back to hostels strictly. Some of the volunteers started to complaining to our in-charge lectures but they can't do anything because it was instructions from the higher management. Some was happy because The Sultanate of Johor will be grandly launching the festival. There were some rehearsals before the ceremony starts. Everyone was waiting for the arrival of The Highness but sadly there was no sign of the arrival becuase The Sultanate of Johor not joining the ceremony that night. Everyone's face was turns sad because they missed the opportunity to shake hands with The Highness. However, the ceremony will go on and successfully launched the festival officially by releasing a book about the Kite Festival and the ceremony continues with cultural performances.

This is the official hash tag for 22nd World Kite Festival@ Pasir Gudang

The crowds at night to watch the LED kites and cultural performances

The fourth day, the festival was going on as usually but the rain doesn't allow to fly the kites to the air. The volunteers was doing their tasks given. After the rain stops, there were competitions and all participants was took part in that competition. The competition was attracted the visitors and supports the participants. The last day came, the closing ceremony of the world kite festival. Everyone was very happy because they successfully finished the event without any interruptions. 

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