Sunday 2 April 2017



"I't seen very interesting and creatives"

      The traditional game is a game for people in Malaysia before the creation of gadgets that are commonly used today's modern society. Day after day, the traditional game slowly began to be forgotten by the public. In fact, there are those who do not recognize traditional games

Malaysia. Based on a preliminary study more than 50 percent of the number of youths in Malaysia does not recognize traditional game in Malaysia. To overcome this problem, the researchers took the initiative to produce innovation Bamboorang direction of cans produced. Bamboorang still maintaining the style and the style of play the same game can only aim it was given new impetus in the perspective of the materials used as well as the emphasis on portability than painting the main icon of tourism in Malaysia. A total of ten major Malaysian tourism icons painted on reeds that include Gasing, Proton Malaysia, Gong, hornbills, Traditional Clothing, Petronas Twin Towers, Keris, Wau, Hibiscus and Melaka Historical City.

     The purposes is for teaching and learning in the classroom, our students for the course DTM1023 DUP1A Tourism Malaysia were exposed to practical activities outside the classroom to play this game.

"One of attempt to build the bamboo"

"Khai as a team leader 😄 "

"Once it done"

    We were told by Miss Surayahanim to gather at the tennis court at 4.30 pm. We are all very excited for having the opportunity to playing the traditional games that have been novated. Once assembled, we were given a briefing by reading the instructions of this game.

"Sweet picture of DUP1A"
"Selfie with Miss Hanim 😎 "

   The game is divided into two groups, the Attacker and the Defender. Attacker group comprising Naqib, Izuan, Miss Suraya, Maria and Maisarah while defender group comprising Khai, Selven, Firdaus, Aisyah and Teha. Without wasting time we start this game. Apparently this game is interesting in itself because it is test of team spirit to rebuild the bamboo. We played 4 games and at the end of the activities, Miss Surayahanim give some explanation about this games. In addition to the fun, we also can add a little about the game that this novated. We disperse at 6.15 pm.

  • Students able to know one type of traditional games in Malaysia and enjoy played this game because some of the students never experienced played this game before.
  • Students get the opportunity to experienced practical activity in teaching and learning process outside class environment because during class we just look in the slide presentation about the traditional game. However with this activity it’s help us with experience.
  • Students able to know the ten major Malaysia tourism icons painted on the bamboo include Gasing, Proton Malaysia, Gong, Hornbills, Traditional clothing, Petronas Twin Tower, Keris, Wau, Hibiscus and Malacca Historical City.  This icon could be link with the Topic 4 (Tourist Attractions in Malaysia) in the course outline.
  • Exposed students with the innovation in the tourism industry.

  • Add more other traditional games so that students can play and experienced include indoor games which also can play inside the classroom
  • Put big magnet at the bamboo so that the bamboo can stand much stronger. 

                                                                 "Video To Watch"

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