Tuesday 6 December 2016


30th November 2016,
CDEC, Ibrahim Sultan Polytechnic.

                 Tourism Malaysia, when the sun rose up and our class also started without any interruptions. The class happened in Creative Design Centre (CdEC). Miss Surayahanim binti Ali took charge to teach us. She gave us a team task to create a blog. Before that, she explained to us by giving some examples. After showing us the examples, she gave us a couple of minutes to discuss about it.

                 The end of the couple of minutes, we created a organization and seperated ourselves by choosing what should ourselves to do when in a team task. We accepted it and started to move to create the blog. Selven and Naqib , as the team leader and the class representative explained about creating the blog. At last, the blog created and it is named TOURISM MALAYSIA. Our lecturer praise us for the cooperation and team work for creating the blog successfully. The other teammates started to thinking what they should do the next step. 2 hours of class ended well and the enviroment on that was welcoming and very positive.

          *THAT'S ALL FOR TODAY...SEE YOU ON UPCOMING EPISODES                           OF TOURISM MALAYSIA... :)


  1. by the end of the discussion we created a group and committee who are responsible towards the task delegation on how to manage and update our entry on this blog

  2. Pelajar dapat melaksanakan perbincangan dengan jayanya dan terhasilah beberapa pembentukan jawatankuasa bagi menguruskan dan kemaskini entri-entri di blog ini.


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