Sunday 25 December 2016

Week 4

On a beautiful morning, our class has started again. So,this week, our class have been given the title of the presentation by our beloved lecturer. We were divided into three groups. Each group has 4 to 5 people and we got the different topics. We were instructed to look for information related to the title of the presentation.The title that we have obtained was about Malaysian people and culture. The first group got the topic about the Malay community, Chinese community and Indian community. The second group must presenting about Baba and Nyonya community. The last group that was my group must to explain about Indigenous community such as Orang Asli, Iban and Kadazan and also explain the Eurasian community.

Each group must describe the general background of each community, their food, music and dance, traditional game, custom and wedding and also their attire. Each member of the group must work together to provide a good slide and video presentations for enhancement could be done. We have described a certain extent by our lecturer on the topic of this presentation.Our lecturer was also encouraged us to make preparation a very exciting by doing the community dance and traditional clothing showcase for each community.For instance, the Malay tradisional clothes were 'Baju Melayu' and 'Baju Kurung'. By this way, we can learn more about other communities.

Having some discussion with our beloved lecturer

Everyone were focusing on their own work. 

                               That's all for this week. THANK YOU 😊


  1. Please provide some of of info regarding what you all learn in class

  2. It was really amazing to see how helpful a visa service can be! I am talking about here. I have not come across a visa service who would go this far in getting your work done, highly impressed!

  3. "the history of Malaysia is a relatively recent offshoot of the history of the wider Malay-Indonesian world".saps


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