Sunday 15 October 2017


     Merdeka Square is a square located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is situated in front of the Sultan Abdul Samad Buildings. Literally Independence Square, it was formerly known as the Selangor Club Padang or simply the "Padang" and was used as the cricket green of the Selangor Club (now Royal Selangor Club). It was here the Union Jack Flag was lowered and the Malayan flag hoisted for the first time at midnight (time: 12:00 AM) on 31 August 1957. Since then, Merdeka Square has been the usual venue for the annual Merdeka parade. For the transportation is the square by accessible within walking distance west of Masjid Jamek LRT Station. In this video, we shared about past, present and future of Malaysia. 

We are all Malaysians. This is the bond that unite us. Let us always remember that unity is our fundamental strength as a people and as a nation. - TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN

Saturday 14 October 2017


We're from DUP2 have organised a trip, Trip Musafir 2.0. This trip is a project under subject of Tourism & Hospitality in Islam. With the involvement of all muslims students of JPH SEMESTER 2, the main purpose of this trip is to create the relationship between all of us. The various theories we have learned in the classroom have been successfully preached while there. Therefore, this trip gives us all 1001 goodness. 


Monday 3 April 2017


Avid traveller or not, you would have somewhere, somehow come across the advertisement for Malaysia tourism proudly bearing the the slogan: “Malaysia, Truly Asia”. A smooth tagline accompanied by a captivating tune, there’s a lot being stuffed inside this catch phrase. Despite cursing the slogan for being stuck in your head, if you’ve ever been to this eclectic country, you’ve got to agree it’s true!
When people think of Asia, a vast array of different elements comes to mind. Rich culture and history, amazing food, bustling metropolises and lush green tropics, amazing shopping and dirt-cheap prices… the list goes on. But when you thumb through the various countries nestled into the massive continent, there’s one that seems to hold a ‘greatest hits’ of all the categories…Malaysia has it all!

1.The City Experience
Kuala Lumpur
In Malaysia, it only takes two letters to describe the word metropolis: "K & L". Here a city traveler will find that the shopping is fantastic, one can eat cheap, delicious street food or an opulent five-course meal, sleep in a dormitory or a presidential suite, all while getting around on the convenient and speedy public transport (Rapid Transit, monorail, commuter rail). With iconic sites scattered all around KL and streets that still have as much greenery as they do concrete- it’s Malaysia’s and one of Asia’s best cities.

2. Nature At Its Best
Not into bustling cities or just need some time off? Malaysia also boasts some of the world’s most beautiful beaches, well-preserved rainforests and sprawling green highlands.
Beaches: If sand, salt and solitude are your sort of thing, head to the island of Redang, where paradise actually still exists. Need a bit more social interaction? Langkawi is another gorgeous Malaysian beach destination with a slightly touristic twist. 
Rainforests: Malaysian Borneo’s rainforest is like something out of a storybook. With pygmy elephants, orangutans, long-nosed monkeys and hundreds of species of birds, this section of the country is as green as it gets!

Highlands: Need a break from the heat and humidity? Malaysia’s Cameron Highlands stands in stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of KL, with a different pace of life and extremely agreeable temperatures. Bring your golf clubs!!
Genting Highlands
3. History and Culture
Perhaps the largest reason why Malaysia is ‘Truly Asia’ is its culture. With roots and influences from the Chinese, Indians and even British Colonialists, Malaysia is one of the world’s greatest melting pots. Walk down the street passed Little India and Chinatown, note the stunning colonial architecture, photograph an awe-inspiring mosque or visit one of KL’s iconic skyscrapers. The entire world, its influences, ancient features and modern touches are all tucked inside this eclectic country. And with a true cultural melting pot comes…

4. Food
Malay Food
An Asian city isn’t entirely Asian unless it has some unbelievably delicious cuisine. Malaysia boasts a wide array of tastes and flavors equally as diverse as its culture. From sour noodle soups and spicy curries to salty Malaysian spring rolls and sweet pancakes… Malaysian food will leave you obsessed. Both Penang and Kuala Lumpur are famous for their local specialties, so make sure you find the best local tour guide to help you discover all the area’s top eats.

5. The Budget Aspect
Air Asia
What makes Asia so enticing to travelers from all over the globe? The price!
Asia is known to be a budget traveler’s dream destination and with that, is the cherry on top for why Malaysia is Truly Asia. Malaysia is economical to travel internationally (home to the famous low-cost carrier Air Asia), and also makes domestic travel extremely affordable as well. 
So now that you have FIVE reasons (amongst many more) to head to Asia’s ultimate travel destination, the only question now is how to explore the eclectic country. Discover Malaysia with top Malaysian tour guides who can show you what they, the locals, know best. What better way to see a destination than with someone who lives there? Book your trip to Malaysia and give yourself the opportunity to see what Asia truly is.

                                      Malaysia Truly Asia TVC 2015 Global

Sunday 2 April 2017



"I't seen very interesting and creatives"

      The traditional game is a game for people in Malaysia before the creation of gadgets that are commonly used today's modern society. Day after day, the traditional game slowly began to be forgotten by the public. In fact, there are those who do not recognize traditional games

Malaysia. Based on a preliminary study more than 50 percent of the number of youths in Malaysia does not recognize traditional game in Malaysia. To overcome this problem, the researchers took the initiative to produce innovation Bamboorang direction of cans produced. Bamboorang still maintaining the style and the style of play the same game can only aim it was given new impetus in the perspective of the materials used as well as the emphasis on portability than painting the main icon of tourism in Malaysia. A total of ten major Malaysian tourism icons painted on reeds that include Gasing, Proton Malaysia, Gong, hornbills, Traditional Clothing, Petronas Twin Towers, Keris, Wau, Hibiscus and Melaka Historical City.

     The purposes is for teaching and learning in the classroom, our students for the course DTM1023 DUP1A Tourism Malaysia were exposed to practical activities outside the classroom to play this game.

"One of attempt to build the bamboo"

"Khai as a team leader 😄 "

"Once it done"

    We were told by Miss Surayahanim to gather at the tennis court at 4.30 pm. We are all very excited for having the opportunity to playing the traditional games that have been novated. Once assembled, we were given a briefing by reading the instructions of this game.

"Sweet picture of DUP1A"
"Selfie with Miss Hanim 😎 "

   The game is divided into two groups, the Attacker and the Defender. Attacker group comprising Naqib, Izuan, Miss Suraya, Maria and Maisarah while defender group comprising Khai, Selven, Firdaus, Aisyah and Teha. Without wasting time we start this game. Apparently this game is interesting in itself because it is test of team spirit to rebuild the bamboo. We played 4 games and at the end of the activities, Miss Surayahanim give some explanation about this games. In addition to the fun, we also can add a little about the game that this novated. We disperse at 6.15 pm.

  • Students able to know one type of traditional games in Malaysia and enjoy played this game because some of the students never experienced played this game before.
  • Students get the opportunity to experienced practical activity in teaching and learning process outside class environment because during class we just look in the slide presentation about the traditional game. However with this activity it’s help us with experience.
  • Students able to know the ten major Malaysia tourism icons painted on the bamboo include Gasing, Proton Malaysia, Gong, Hornbills, Traditional clothing, Petronas Twin Tower, Keris, Wau, Hibiscus and Malacca Historical City.  This icon could be link with the Topic 4 (Tourist Attractions in Malaysia) in the course outline.
  • Exposed students with the innovation in the tourism industry.

  • Add more other traditional games so that students can play and experienced include indoor games which also can play inside the classroom
  • Put big magnet at the bamboo so that the bamboo can stand much stronger. 

                                                                 "Video To Watch"

Monday 27 March 2017



Things end. But memories last forever ♥

   On 18 March 2017, a part of DUP1A students have went to Gunung Ledang, we all began the journey from the polytechnic at 7:45 am with 3 cars. Before that we have divided into several tasks such as who brought food and drinks, who gonna be a photographer, a person that will provide plates and cups. During our journey to Gunung Ledang, we all are having fun and feel excited to arrive at our destination.

  At 10.15 am, we safely arrived at the Tangkak District, there are numerous billboards promoting the attractions of the region and the most popular is Gunung Ledang (the legendary place). The entrence ticket is worth of RM 2.10 per person. For us, it was a reasonable price because a lot of interesting activities visitors can do over there. We all had to walk along the 300m to arrived at the waterfall, which often become the talk of the visitors because of the beauty of the landscape. Throughout our trip, there are stalls selling toys, toiletries and souvenirs such as shirts, keychain and more. The government of Johor also had allocated a very nice accomodation for the visitors. Unfortunately, there are many peoples in the bottom area,so we decided go to higher ground and luckily on that area there is not many peoples. Without wasting time, the girls presented mats and preparing food. Our food today is 'Nasi Lemak Hijau' sponsored by Aisha.

'One of the stalls found in this area'

' Affordable Accommodation'

'Ladder to the waterfall'

'Nasi Lemak Hijau'
 Meanwhile, the guys already rushed to having fun  in the river but the river was shockingly cold. After a long shower, the first to go up first to dinners is Naqib and followed the others. Almost 4 hours we were all having fun togethers. At 2:30 pm, we headed going back polytechnique. During the way going back, we stopped at Muar to try the common local food that are most in demand by the people of Johor and that is Mee Bandung. After a little research through the provision of social media, we went to Mee Rebus Udang Galah Muo Ori. Apparently it's the best of all and we love it. We all was very satisfied and each of us has been exhausted.

  At the end of this trip, we all thank you to Afham for helping us  during this trip. Many thoughts and memories throughout the day. Thank you to all those who are involved directly or indirectly. See you  guys in the next trip! 

-Together we create Memories-

Sunday 5 March 2017


The 22st Pasir Gudang World Kite Festival was held at Bukit Layang-Layang and the Pasir Gudang Municipal Council field here, from Feb 1 to 28. There were 222 participants from 40 countries was took part in this festival. This kite festival happens in the month of February every year. It was a good experience to work with the International participants. 60 volunteers from Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan was selected to work as a liason officer at the festival for 5 days.

First day, we was given briefing about the festival by the event manager and the head of Pasir Gudang Municipal Council. After the briefing, we went to the place where the festival will be held. After that, we back to the hostels early and readying for work tomorrow. Second day has came, the volunteers was very energetic to work at the festival. Before we get down to the place, we were given some advices to take care our ourselves and belongings. We was amazed to see the crowds and the kites are flying colourful at the sky. Eventhough the weather was hot, everyone managed to work as a team and doing their responsibilities as a liason officer. After an hour, the kiters came for registration. Around 200 participants registered themselves and started to fly the kites they brought. There were many kites was flying such as The Sled kite, The Diamond Kite, The Barn Door kite, The Rokkaku kite, The Roller kite and many more. Second day, everything was going smoothly but the weather doesn't allow us to work much. There was heavy rain like cats and dogs for 2 hours. Unluckily, the kiters did not fly out their kites for a day.

Third day, the event manager was informed that there will be grand opening ceremony of the festival so everybody should not go back to hostels strictly. Some of the volunteers started to complaining to our in-charge lectures but they can't do anything because it was instructions from the higher management. Some was happy because The Sultanate of Johor will be grandly launching the festival. There were some rehearsals before the ceremony starts. Everyone was waiting for the arrival of The Highness but sadly there was no sign of the arrival becuase The Sultanate of Johor not joining the ceremony that night. Everyone's face was turns sad because they missed the opportunity to shake hands with The Highness. However, the ceremony will go on and successfully launched the festival officially by releasing a book about the Kite Festival and the ceremony continues with cultural performances.

This is the official hash tag for 22nd World Kite Festival@ Pasir Gudang

The crowds at night to watch the LED kites and cultural performances

The fourth day, the festival was going on as usually but the rain doesn't allow to fly the kites to the air. The volunteers was doing their tasks given. After the rain stops, there were competitions and all participants was took part in that competition. The competition was attracted the visitors and supports the participants. The last day came, the closing ceremony of the world kite festival. Everyone was very happy because they successfully finished the event without any interruptions. 

Thursday 23 February 2017



One of the great south Indian cuisines we have the previlage on eating o\n a daily basis shoul we choose is, of course Chettinad cuisine. Chettinad cuisine is the cuisine of the chettinad region of Tamil Nadu state in south India. If you love rice, you will definitely love the banana leaf rice.
In banana leaf rice
In banana leaf rice, white rice is served on a banana leaf with an assortment of vegetables, curried meat or fish, pickles, and the super addictive papadum ( look like giant, round, flat crisps). Most of the time, however, only the gravy of the curry will be served and no meat is served as it is meant to be a traditional Indian vegetarian dish but since I am no vegetarian, I love mine with mutton redang and dry chicken curry!


Malaysian Nasi Dagang

       Nasi dagang is another fantastically tasty dish, consisting of rice steamed in coconut milk, fish curry and extra ingredients such as fried shaved coconut, solok lada, hard-boiled eggs and vegetable pickles.

       It is a well-known breakfast food in the states on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia, such as Terengganu and Kelantan. The most famous Nasi dagang of Terengganu comes from a place called Kampung Ladang, an area within the Kuala Terengganu district. I have not tried the one from Kampung Ladang but my colleague who covers the East Coast says it’s truly the best.


     After the Sang Har Mee, we will definitely drag you to eat, the Sentul Satay. Close analogues would be the Yakitori from Japan, the Shish Kebab from Turkey, the Sosatie from South Africa.. oh, and my most recent discovery was the Chuan from China!

     Meats on sticks over a BBQ – basic yet effective. Tapping into that childhood ‘fun’ way of eating your food. For satay, the must have ingredient which gives the dish its characteristic yellow colour derived from tumeric. Serve it up with a spicy peanut sauce dip, or peanut gravy, slivers of onions and cucumbers, and ketupat (rice cakes).

4.Nasi Kandar

Image result for nasi kandar

      Nasi Kandar is a popular northern Malaysian food, which originates from Penang. It is a meal of steamed rice which can be plain or mildly flavored, and served with a variety of curries and side dishes.The rice is accompanied by side dishes such as fried chicken, gizzards, curried mutton, cubed beef, fish roe, fried prawns or fried squid. The vegetable dish would usually be brinjal (aubergine), okra/bendi (lady fingers) or bitter gourd.

     A mixture of curry sauces is poured on the rice. Always ask for the sauces to be mixed , i.e. fish + chicken + dhal .. let it soak through your rice and just die from the awesome aroma and taste. This is called nasi ‘banjir’ (flooded rice) and imparts a multifaceted taste to the rice. Many eat the sauced soaked rice with their bare fingers and the aroma actually stays with you long after you have washed your hands. This is part of the appeal of eating Nasi Kandar!

5.Nasi Lemak

Image result for nasi lemak

      Nasi Lemak is a must! The name itself ” rice in cream” is derived from the cooking process where regular white rice is literally soaked in coconut cream and then steamed to give a gorgeous, aroma of coconut-perfumed white rice that is then wrapped in banana leaf or served on a plate and eaten with the other side dishes mentioned above. Sometimes a knotted pandan leaf, or ginger or a stalk of lemongrass is thrown it to make the rice all the more fragrant.

     The Malaysian nasi lemak consists of a hot spicy sauce (sambal), hard boiled egg, cucumber slices, small dried anchovies (ikan bilis) and roasted peanuts at its core and to this you may add sambal cuttlefish, fried chicken, cockle, stir fried water convolvulus (kangkong), pickled vegetables (achar) or beef rendang (beef stewed in coconut milk and spices).

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